This part introduces the historical origin of commutation system at first, elaborates afterwards its theroretical foundation, points out that the foundation of commutation system lies in promoting realization of purpose of penalty. 第一部分,减刑制度概述。首先介绍减刑制度的历史渊源,随后阐述减刑制度的理论基础,最后论及研究减刑制度的意义,指出减刑作为一种刑罚执行制度,其刑法基础在于促进刑罚目的的实现。
By analyzing the general theory on commutation system and concentrating on the perfection of it, this paper tries to put forward some idea for enhancing the efficiency of the judicial operation to achieve the goal of penalty. 本文试图通过对减刑制度一般理论的分析,进一步研究完善减刑制度的方法,以期增强司法实践中的可操作性,更好地实现刑罚目的。
Commutation of sentence, as one of the main components of the enforcement of penalty against criminal laws, and an important mechanism of the enforcement of penalty, as well as a tool of encouragement to appropriate criminals, plays an important indispensable role. 减刑作为刑罚执行的重要内容之一,作为一项重要的刑罚执行制度,作为对罪犯适用的一种刑事奖励手段,在整个刑罚执行工作中有着重要的地位和不可替代的作用。
Commutation is a very important aspect of penalty execution system in our country, also one of the most common incentives to the Criminals in prison. 减刑是我国的一项非常重要的刑罚执行制度,也是目前最常用的一项刑事奖励措施。
Commutation of the sentence refers to was sentenced to control, criminal detention, imprisonment, life imprisonment of criminals, based on their repentance during the execution of punishment, or meritorious performance, and appropriate to mitigate their verdict penalty system. 减刑是指对被判处管制、拘役、有期徒刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,根据其在刑罚执行期间的悔改或者立功表现,而适当减轻其原判刑罚的制度。
First, there are many problems like favour commutation more than parole, lack of statute, negative block of freedom penalty from property penalty and shortage of specific regulation in subjects of duty crime. 首先是总体的刑罚执行工作存在重减刑、轻假释的执法误区、法律层面规定的缺失、财产刑对自由刑的负面阻滞、职务犯罪罪犯等特殊主体规制的不足等问题。
A large number of judicial practices has proved that commutation is one of effective means to rehabilitation, good deeds continuing. It will also help to avoid the penalty for excess and realize the social benefits of penalties. 大量的司法实践证明,减刑有利于罪犯改过自新,持续其已有善行,也有利于避免刑罚过剩,实现刑罚的社会效益。
In addition, we still establish the execution system of qualification criminal penalty, for example, the division system and commutation system of qualification criminal penalty, in order to better protect the rights of man, more conducive to its re-socialization. 此外,还应当确立我国资格刑的执行制度,如资格刑的分立制和减刑制度,以期更好地保障资格刑人的权利,更加有利于其再社会化。
Commutation and parole is gradually established with characteristic of penalty execution system in the long-term practice of criminal reform in China. 减刑假释是我国在改造罪犯的实践中逐步建立起来的具有我国特色的刑罚执行制度。
It points out that commutation changes the content of penalty implementation, including the following two cases: the first is to shorten the imprisonment term; the other is to change the heavy penalty into a light punishment. 文章指出:减刑改变了刑罚执行内容,包括两种情形,一为刑期长度的减短;二为由重刑种变更为轻刑种。
Second, the commutation applicable procedures contain three aspects: The first is the enforcement authority of the criminal sentence penalty assessment. 其次是减刑适用的程序。这包括三个大的方面:首先是刑罚执行机关对罪犯减刑的考核。
Restrictions on commutation of the penalty system is closely related. 限制减刑与我国的刑罚体系关系密切。
The effective application of commutation and parole system is very important to promote the criminals 'rehabilitation and implement the special prevention of penalty. 减刑与假释制度的有效适用,对促进犯罪人改过自新,实现刑罚特殊预防的目的有着非常重要的意义。